Huang Xing

  • 网络黄兴;黄星
Huang XingHuang Xing
  1. On Discussing Huang Xing 's Strategy Thought of Unified Operation


  2. Huang Xing 's political party activities reflected his political party thought while his political party thought made him take further political party activities .


  3. The Analysis of the Picture Named " MING HUANG XING SHU "


  4. HUANG Xing is the Main-leader of the Protection Nation Movement


  5. In fact , Huang Xing took part in six uprisings from 1906 to 1911 and had much to do with overseas Chinese in South Asia .


  6. Huang Xing and Wuchang Revolt


  7. Huang xing ′ s outlook on education about advocating education for revolution , cultivating core members , implementing education equality and teaching materials for practice , etc , is briefly accounted .


  8. In 1907 , he rose up with Huang Xing , Cai E , etc. in Guangxi , late he died from tiredness when he was 28 yeas old .


  9. The 4th chapter was about the designing of the eco-industrial system in Huang Xing EIP , which was not only the key of a project but also the emphases of the whole paper .


  10. Therefore , economic thoughts mainly referred to prospering industrial , saving the nation by developing industrial , science and education , which were proposed by people who were returning from overseas , such as Sun Zhongshan , Huang Xing and Cai Yuanpei .
